Fag Hags

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"Behind every successful man, is a woman"

This saying is even more true for a gay guy and his fag hags. Gay men are not just supported by their fag hags. They are married soul mates.

No matter how down in the dumps a gay guy can get, you can always be sure that the fag hags are there to cheer them up. Shopping, eating, watching a movie or bitching, These therapies are absolutely essential to a gay guys sanity.

It got me thinking, Does the fag hag maketh the gay man, Or the gay man that determines his fag hags? How do we really know whose who's accessory?

Obviously where I am lacking in boyfriends, I make up for it in girlfriends. Perhaps there are different degrees of gayness that will appeal to different girls. I have attracted a truckload, but only a mini-cooper full of true,close-to-the-heart fag hags.

My own fag hags have actually stopped thinking of me as a male. I guess that makes me...extremely gay? However, the girls that are there for me makes my world a lot more bearable. I actually pick the girls that connect with a part of my personality, one persona each. I do this in the knowledge that their influence is going to create the future me.

A fag hag's word weighs its weight in gold, as far as a gay guy is concerned. She decides what to wear so that he matches her outfit, who to hate and who to like,and of course, exclusive voting rights on the guys he's interested in.

Recently, Coco the Fashionista, my closest fag hag in the city, decided that i should like this bisexual guy we met together. A chance meeting at the bar where he works, became a really good time (probably due to the cocktails). Coco found him to be a charming specimen who shared her passion for fashion. She claims her gaydar went off, whilst I was too high to decide anyway; My interests peaked all the same.

However, on the second date, he invited us to go to a club, We bought ourselves drinks since he didn't offer to buy any for us. No wonder he's a bisexual, a cardinal rule of gay dating is to always gain the fag hag's approval. Bisexual guy here had no clue.
He then ran into some friends of his and left us dancing on our own. Coco frowned, he had just expressed that he'd rather hang out with other people. Thankfully Coco found some friends of her own to run into and social order was restored. After all, how could he expect to diss us like that without consequences?

It was then I realized,without Coco's approval, that I found him uninteresting and that any attraction was, primarily, stirred up by Coco in the first place.

After that, we both decided that he was boring and annoying. I was free from getting things complicated with a Bisexual guy and Coco avoids him now, and I'm happy to follow suit. After all, a fag hag's words are amazingly persuasive. Perhaps the fag hag does maketh the gay guy. So keep all your fag hags (as many as you can handle) close by for a balanced influence. 'All your fag hags you say?"

Well like Sarah Jessica Parker and her shoes. The more the merrier.


Anonymous said...

I love the gay men I work with (I'm a female teacher and there are both gay male teachers as well as classroom assistants). No BS. No hidden agendas (as with het men and women friends). Adult conversation with none of the power crap. I'm sure there are gay men who are controlling and shallow and opportunistic, but heck, I'll even put up with mildly shallow if there's warmth and loyalty. They are positive male role models for the boys and girls we teach, be they het or gay. I'd do anything for the ones I've met and have been becoming close to, and really, really miss the ones I have known over the years but lost touch with. Rock on, bro.