Love or Sex,which comes first?
3:04 AM Posted In Gaydom , Straightland Edit This 4 Comments »
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away called Gaydom... there lived a group of people called- Homosexuals. They engaged in dating, sex and relationships, but the rules of courtship were very different from the neighboring country, Straightland.
In Gaydom, it seems that the popular Straightland rules of courtship blurs into confusion. At least,from what this particular Gaylander observes. Where straighties would first meet, then date, then develop feelings, get married and finally have sex; those of Gaydom might meet, have sex, then develop feelings...not get married...have sex again then date, done in no particular order.
Which makes me wonder,
Is there a proper Gaydom procedure when it comes to courtship? or is it all not what it's cracked up to be?
When asked, many would answer that Love should come first. However, a Homosexual couple I know had sex the very first time they met before deciding to develop things from there. It seems that an unprecedented course, such as this, works too as the couple are still together; lasting much longer than the usual expiry date that mark gay relationships.
One night stands are like handshakes to some gay men. After sex, (the glue that holds gay relationships together apparently) these gay men can then judge if the relationship will work or not; perhaps, relationship was the last thing on their mind at the time and they were just out for some "fun", but then it grew to become something else.
So is the famous "meet and greet" one-night-stands the new gay Relationshipometer? A great f*ck = a great future? How will a gay virgin like me ever find Mr Right without such a measuring tool? I know a few no-longer-gay-virgins who caved in at the notion that they wouldn't fit in if they failed to succumb; and such is the sad reality. The nice guys finish last.
I don't wish to judge these methods as right or wrong; but I would propose that the citizens of Gaydom consider the value of slowing down the sexual process a bit. Let love have time to hatch first before we rush into the frenzied chicken-dance of lovemaking.
In Gaydom, it seems that the popular Straightland rules of courtship blurs into confusion. At least,from what this particular Gaylander observes. Where straighties would first meet, then date, then develop feelings, get married and finally have sex; those of Gaydom might meet, have sex, then develop feelings...not get married...have sex again then date, done in no particular order.
Which makes me wonder,
Like the proverbial question, Which comes first?
The Chicken, the Egg, Love or Sex?
The Chicken, the Egg, Love or Sex?
When asked, many would answer that Love should come first. However, a Homosexual couple I know had sex the very first time they met before deciding to develop things from there. It seems that an unprecedented course, such as this, works too as the couple are still together; lasting much longer than the usual expiry date that mark gay relationships.
One night stands are like handshakes to some gay men. After sex, (the glue that holds gay relationships together apparently) these gay men can then judge if the relationship will work or not; perhaps, relationship was the last thing on their mind at the time and they were just out for some "fun", but then it grew to become something else.
So is the famous "meet and greet" one-night-stands the new gay Relationshipometer? A great f*ck = a great future? How will a gay virgin like me ever find Mr Right without such a measuring tool? I know a few no-longer-gay-virgins who caved in at the notion that they wouldn't fit in if they failed to succumb; and such is the sad reality. The nice guys finish last.
I don't wish to judge these methods as right or wrong; but I would propose that the citizens of Gaydom consider the value of slowing down the sexual process a bit. Let love have time to hatch first before we rush into the frenzied chicken-dance of lovemaking.
It is easy to say but hard to do ~
It doesn't have to be that way. Most homo actually believe in that hence the practice of it makes it more and more typical in the "gaydom". I personally don't think it's common among ALL the gay guys.
anyway i like the way you write! more or so remind me of carrie bradshaw :)
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!
Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work
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