Stage One Still
11:05 PM Posted In Gay Courtship , Gaydom Edit This 2 Comments »
"Love isn't a transaction, you don't just get what you put in."
"Why is it gays always feel 40 when they're 18?"
Few of my favourite lines from the show "Boy Culture" (2006)

In one of the scenes, the character named Blowey Joey says "Congratulations! you're a stage two fag."
When asked to elaborate on what he meant, he said " You were a stage one for like, a year, you first come out and think you're not gonna be slutty so that you can find this perfect boyfriend who's also not slutty."
"But now you're stage two, have fun, see a hot guy...screw around."
Oh Sweet Virgin Mary and Joseph! I've been a stage one for 6 years now! ...and counting.
Is this true? Does every gay guy's state of mind go through the metamorphosis of a virginal cocoon to a slutty flutter-by? Is it an inevitable change one must go through before one becomes a full fag? - promiscuous wings and all.
What triggers someone to go into stage two I wonder?
"Why is it gays always feel 40 when they're 18?"
Few of my favourite lines from the show "Boy Culture" (2006)
In one of the scenes, the character named Blowey Joey says "Congratulations! you're a stage two fag."
When asked to elaborate on what he meant, he said " You were a stage one for like, a year, you first come out and think you're not gonna be slutty so that you can find this perfect boyfriend who's also not slutty."
"But now you're stage two, have fun, see a hot guy...screw around."
Oh Sweet Virgin Mary and Joseph! I've been a stage one for 6 years now! ...and counting.
Is this true? Does every gay guy's state of mind go through the metamorphosis of a virginal cocoon to a slutty flutter-by? Is it an inevitable change one must go through before one becomes a full fag? - promiscuous wings and all.
What triggers someone to go into stage two I wonder?