Dream Kiss

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I dreamt of meeting this very built muscular man.
He was attractive and bare-chested. I met him on the street in the dark night. (probably a hustler)

I was driving a jeep, or some kind of large four-wheel drive. I pulled him into the car and he willingly followed. We were going to elope.

A very short and bumpy ride later, he hadn't said anything yet, but I understood him anyway. I stopped the car right under an open window to realize that someone I knew, whom I wasn't out to yet, was staring at us.

I panicked; ran out of the car and Mr Hustler followed. The acquaintance whom I was trying to avoid simply stood there,watching. My lover,the hustler, suddenly grabbed me against his bare chest. I felt like he was saying - we don't have to hide anymore.

He kissed me there and then, passionately. His tongue slipped into mine and I could feel him inside me.(his tongue alright!). He began to sort of suck on my tongue...like a lollipop. His saliva was leaking into my mouth, and his tongue began to lick the roof of my mouth. Next thing I know, he sucked my tongue right out of my mouth and held it there, like some oral tug of war.

What the fuck!

I pushed him back and walked away...It was soooo OVER.
Dream boy or not. A bad kisser is a deal breaker.
Nightmares be gone!


R said...

your level up will come. just be patient. ;)